Call For Abstracts!
Do you have a Case Report? Audit? Quality improvement project? Research project? Something else of interest to the Emergency Medicine community? Please submit an abstract (maximum 500 words & in PDF format) to Submissions are limited to 2 per delegate.
​If you would like your audit/QIP/research project to be considered for one of our featured oral presentations, please state this when submitting the abstract.​ Unfortunately, case reports will not be considered for oral presentations.
Successful applicants will be asked to design a poster for the conference. A PDF of the poster must be submitted for review by 16 March 2024. The poster must be printed out by the applicant on A0 sized paper (landscape or portrait) & pinned up on the boards in the main space for display. For more information on how to make a poster, please click here.
Prizes will be awarded for the best posters. Categories include:
- Best Student Poster
- Best Case Report
- Best Quality Improvement Project
- Best Research Project
​Deadline For Oral Abstracts: Announced Soon
Deadline For Poster Abstracts: Announced Soon